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Data inregistrarii: 6618. Runda    Ultima intrare: 7040. Runda    Bani: 300 oase de aur
Haita: Lélekvesztő   

Caini (292)


Text de prezentare

A nevem Lili és sok éve vagyok már jelen az ebnevelde oldalon, a főtevékenységem a virtuális kutyatenyésztés. 2010 körül csatlakoztam az ETSZ-be (Ebnevelde Tenyésztőinek Szövetsége), majd pár év múlva megtaláltam végleges helyemet az EKC (Ebnevelde Kennel Club) tagjai között, ahol jelenleg vezetőségi tag vagyok. Ha érdekel a tenyésztés és te is szeretnél közénk csatlakozni akkor írj az EKC Vezetőség felhasználónkra.

Ez a felhasználó egy "gyűjtőfelhasználó" ahova a 0.generációs (aranycsontból vett) kutyáimat gyűjtöm. Kenneljeimet az alábbi linkre kattintva megtekinthetitek.

Ide a Shikari Dogs felhasználómra szánt fajtákat hozom:
¤ kishu ken ¤
¤ koreai jindo kutya ¤
¤ svájci fehér juhászkutya ¤

☙ Kishu ken ❧

- American Eulog
- Burning Time
- Til We Die
- The Gray Chapter
- Sarcastrophe
- The Devil in I
- Skeptic
- Lech
- Nomadic
- Custer

- Be Prepared
- Negative One
- What You Want
- Huffys
- Between Dumpsters
- Flea Circus
- Override
- The Burden
- We Are Not Your Kind
- Insert Coin

- Unsainted
- Birth of the Cruel
- Because of Death
- Nero Forte
- Critical Darling
- Red Flag
- Orphan
- Solway Firth
- All Out Life
- Liner Note

- The End So Far
- Adderall
- Dying Song
- Time to Sing
- Chapeltown Rag
- Warranty
- Acidic
- Heirloom
- De Sade
- Domination Tour

- Third degree
- WattPad
- Sonoma
- Year dot
- No alternative
- Abuelo
- Angostura
- Santocci
- Nolaan
- Hughy

- Jayden
- Clearcloud
- Lawal
- Bakh
- Yusuf
- Wambdi
- Yating
- Heroides
- Mandlenkosi
- Comhghall

- Bipin
- Maarten
- Aixa
- Wes
- Lipton
- Kei
- Sandokan
- Xinoki

- Stone Sour
- Get Inside
- Orchids
- Cold Reader
- Blotter
- Monolith
- Bother
- Blue Study
- Take a Number
- Idle Hands

- Tumult
- Inside the Cynic
- Rules of Evidence
- Road Hogs
- Come Whatever May
- Consequences
- Sillyworld
- Made of Scars
- Reborn
- Socio

- Fruitcake
- The Day I Let Go
- Freeze Dry Seal
- Wicked Game
- The Frozen
- Audio Secrecy
- Mission Statement
- Digital
- Did You Tell
- Haunt Me

- Dying
- Be Honest
- Unfinished
- Hesitate
- Nylon
- Miracles
- Pieces
- Threadbare
- Hate Not Gone
- Fan Questions

- Sunnyvale
- Sharlote
- Clairee
- Thick and thin
- Falia
- Tickled pink
- Touch and go
- Sawyeer
- Anejo
- Khimberly

- Sladama
- Nigora
- Gwladus
- Indrani
- Maryamu
- Constanza
- Doroteia
- Gargi
- Ilmi
- Coline

- Chenelle
- Herina
- Tiera
- Jenal

☙ Koreai jindo kutya ❧

- Jenali
- Walnut Creek
- West Covina
- Kylian Neptun
- Ukiah
- New Alfred
- -LeEe-
- Ventura
- BlazeRunner
- Oneul Ollie

- Maa
- Yuba City
- Inaky
- Selliy
- Beynon
- Vallejo
- Yasu
- Jondu
- Hire
- Beale

- Koo
- Zade
- Protheroe
- Randomness
- The Songs
- House of Gold
- Gone Sovereign
- Absolute Zero
- A Rumor of Skin
- The Travelers

- My Name Is Allen
- Taciturn
- Influenc
- Drowsy God
- Last of the Real
- Gallows Humor
- Rough Demo
- Red City
- Sadist
- Peckinpah

- Nátrium-hidroxid
- Boulder
- ChiiChu
- Oneul Laya
- Tiwlip
- Stalemate
- Gravesend
- The Uncanny Valley
- Blue Smoke
- Do Me a Favor

- Hydrograd
- Taipei Person
- Knievel Has Landed
- Fabuless
- Witness Trees
- Rose Red
- Violent Blue
- This Song Is Dumb
- Thank God
- Whiplash Pants

- Friday Knights
- Stole My Eyes
- When the Fever Broke
- Burn One Turn One
- Unchained
- Bootleg Ginger
- Subversive
- Just Balls
- Do Anything
- The Worst Day Ever

- Mean Anything
- Just a Kid
- Meet You There
- My Alien
- God Must Hate Me
- One Day
- My Christmas List
- Grow Up
- Happy Together
- Welcome to My Life

☙ Svájci fehér juhászkutya ❧

- White star Chester
- Norwalk
- Modesto
- Isider
- Denyno
- Skulle
- Perfect World
- Me Against the World
- Simple Plan
- Take My Hand

- Your Love Is a Lie
- Save You
- Generation
- Time to Say Goodbye
- I Can Wait Forever
- Holding On
- No Love
- What If
- Running Out of Time
- Photo Shoot

- Get Your Heart On
- You Suck at Love
- Keep My Hands
- Astronaut
- Loser of the Year
- Else But Here
- Freaking Me Out
- Summer Paradise
- Gone Too Soon
- This Song Saved My L

- One for the Team
- Opinion Overload
- Kiss Me
- Farewell
- Singing in the Rain
- Everything Sucks
- I Refuse
- Go to Bed
- Nostalgic
- Perfectly Perfect

- Hayward
- Inglewood
- Huntington Beach
- Merced
- Needles
- Oceanside
- Rozus
- Monterey
- Novato
- Alenah

- Siro
- Chedli
- Oroville
- Refna
- Xinel
- Maike
- Dalarne
- Annamae
- Be Sad
- Problem Child

- Dream About You
- Harder Than It Looks
- Ruin My Life
- The Antidote
- Million Pictures
- Congratulations
- Slow Motion
- Unraveling
- Alive and Well
- Inside Your Heart

- Great Awakening
- Six Ways until Sund.
- The Art of Losing
- Remains of Summer
- The Unraveling
- Reception Fades
- Everchanging
- Sometimes Selling
- 3 Day Weekend
- Weight of Time